Make Sure All The Legs Of A Star Fill Completely…Here’s How

Typical Star Break

Star and bullseye repairs are generally very easy windshield repairs to perform. Here are a few tips you can use to make sure they are the best they can be:

1. If you want to see how a leg of a star is filling you have to get your eye down near glass level and look at the leg from its side. From that angle you can see the depth of the line and actually see whether or not the resin is filling in. Because the leg is so thin, looking at it from above will reveal nothing.

2. Be sure and look at the leg of a star from both sides when filling it. The general rule is if you can see it from one side and not the other, then it is filled. If you can see the leg from both sides, then it is not filled.

3. With your injector under pressure (piston screwed down), use your probe to apply slight pressure at the base of each leg. This technique forces the resin to fill the leg all the way to the tip. Be sure not to press too hard as this can make the leg grow.

4. If you are doing a star repair and all the legs are filling great except for one, then you will want to drill directly into that leg and fill it from the new drill hole.

Use these tips to insure you are performing the absolute best windshield repairs possible.